Happy November! If you're living any similarity to my life you're deep into full time chauffeuring, early mornings, late nights and schedule whoopsies trying to keep a modicum of self assurance that you're close to having it all together. While I should be decompressing in a health-building way like yoga or walking...this for now zens my brain...at 3 in the morning.
I digress...back to the subject at hand.
This little blast into the prehistoric past derived from a delicate blend of brain fog, bird hunting and desperation. While normally my absurd creativity thrives in these moments, this is more of a bottom of the barrel project. One completed to boost your confidence in the future by comparison. It's great to have project barometer that let's you look back and think "well at least it's better than that time I did the dino pic".
What started out as a dog in a field quickly morphed into a literally unbelievable discovery of a hidden world. Mr. T-Rex was a buck that we busted while walking. The water is a lake...minus the brachiosaurus (he was added for dramatic effects). The volcano just looked cool and it felt very right at my desk, in the dark, soaked in insomnia.
The clouds in the sky are just that. Clouds.
So here's my bottom shelf...and happy Monday.